Comfortable high-standard accommodation right in the fun park
Hotel Galaxie *** offers 33 beds in single, double and four-bed rooms. We also offer a Family Apartment Galaxie and spacious family rooms. In case of larger groups, you can also sleep right in the fun park, which can accommodate up to 150 people.
Check-in is from 2 p.m., check-out until 10 a.m. (can be rearranged)
Reservations via email or phone +420 571 118 980.
Name |
Price |
Single room |
990 Kč |
Twin room |
1 190 Kč |
Triple room |
1 390 Kč |
Double room Deluxe |
1 290 Kč |
Extra bed | 300 Kč |
Family apartment - 2 connected rooms, 2 bathrooms |
1 990 Kč |
Dog up to 4kg | 100 Kč |
Cot for kids |
free |
Child 1 y or younger without a bed | free |
Child 3 y or younger without a bed | 100 Kč |
Kid sleeping on an extra bed | 300 Kč |
The price includes accommodation, breakfast and parking space on Hotel Galaxie *** parking place.
Relaxační a romantický pobyt pro dva v areálu hotelu Galaxie Zlín.
2 dny (1 noc)
Akční nabídka 3499,- (2 osoby) od 1. 2. 2025 do 31. 3. 2025
Mimo uvedený termín je cena 3990 Kč
200g Medailonky z vepřové panenky, grilovaná zelenina, šťouchané brambory
200g Cordon bleu, hranolky julienne, tatarka
200g Gnocchi s kousky vepřové panenky v jemné smetanové omáčce s cherry rajčátky a parmazánem
200g Grilovaný kuřecí prsní steak na zeleninové salátu, bylinkový dresink, bagetka
200g Filé ze pstruha na bylinkovém másle, petrželkové brambory
Pobyt v hotelu Galaxie Zlín se vstupem do ZOO Lešná v ceně balíčku
2 dny (1 noc)
Děti do 2 let mají pobyt zdarma bez nároku na lůžko a snídani.
Paušální cena za další dítě od 2 do 15 let: 1500,- (obsahuje všechny výhody balíčku)
Pobyt v hotelu Galaxie Zlín se vstupem do ZOO Lešná v ceně balíčku.
3 dny (2 noci)
7990,- (2 dospělí)
Paušální cena za další dítě od 2 do 15 let: 2000 ,- (obsahuje všechny výhody balíčku)
Děti do 2 let mají pobyt zdarma bez nároku na lůžko a snídani.
Speciální nabídka pro rodiny s dětmi.
Relaxační a zábavný pobyt pro celou rodinu v areálu zábavního parku Galaxie Zlín.
3 dny (2 noci)
8990,- (2 dospělí + 1 dítě)
Další dítě do 2 let zdarma.
Další dítě od 2 do 15 let příplatek 2000 Kč/pobyt
This accomodation package is custom made. Inspired by dadies that come to Galaxie several times a year with their kids. Package includes accomodation, free entries to the fun park even after the closing hours, free entries to wellness, meals and kids friendly meals.
On request we can also arrange tickets to ZOO Lešná or other activities. Just ask us!
Nabízíme také pobytové balíčky obsahující různé výlety do okolí, relaxační wellness kúry, hlídání Vašich dětí, zábavný program, zážitkovou gastronomii a mnoho dalšího.
Součástí každého balíčku je ubytování, snídaně a uvítací drink. Balíčky lze spolu také kombinovat a jejich cena se vždy odvíjí dle počtu osob.
Můžeme Vám také sestavit balíček dle Vašich přání, který může obsahovat např. také zážitkovou gastronomii, romantickou večeři přímo u vesmírného whirlpoolu nebo třeba relaxační masáž.
Sportovním kolektivům navíc poskytneme vynikající zázemí pro pořádání soustředění a turnajů.
Relaxation in the space whirlpool with starry sky
In our space whirlpool you can leave all your worries behind, relax and enjoy the starry sky above your head. If you wish, you can listen to music while you relax.
Our whirlpool is designed for 6 people, but the best results can be enjoyed in just 4 people. The whirlpool consists of a hydro-massage pool with jets, water filtration and integrated lighting with changing colours. Water temperature varies between 27 and 35 °C.
In our sauna with starry sky you can relax, boost your immune and cardiovascular system, start burning calories and get rid of toxic agents.
You can enjoy sport, recondition, relaxation, and lymphatic massage or hot stone massage. Full price list in massage section.
Here you can create an online reservation, which needs to be paid immediately using an online credit card. After filling out the reservation form, you will proceed to the GP Webpay payment gateway with 3D Secure security. Upon successful payment, you will receive a confirmation email.
We offer sport, recondition, relaxation, lymphatic, and reflex massages. Detailed description and price list can be found in the massage section.
Whirlpool | 1 person for 1 hour (minimum price 500 Kč) | 250 Kč |
Sauna | 1 person for 1 hour (minimum price 500 Kč) | 250 Kč |
Whirlpool and sauna | 1 person for 1 hour (minimum price 600 Kč) | 300 Kč |
Wellness Offfer | 1 hour at whirlpool, bottle of sparkling wine for 2 | 699 Kč |
Wellness 2in1 | 1 hour at whirlpool, bottle of sparkling wine and romantic dinner for 2 | 1099 Kč |
Ask us - you can combine our wellness offers and we would like to fulfill all your wishes. We also offer gift vouchers. Lower amount vouchers will be paid according to the valid price list.
Reservationa at Mrs. Foukalová +420 604 404 052.
Massage of back and nape (30 min) | 250,- Kč |
Massage of back, nape and legs (45 min) | 350,- Kč |
Massage of face, neck and décolletage (30 min) | 250,- Kč |
FULL MASSAGE (75 min) | 650,- Kč |
Massage of back and nape (30 min) | 250,- Kč |
Massage of back, nape and legs (45 min) | 350,- Kč |
Massage of face, neck and décolletage (30 min) | 250,- Kč |
FULL MASSAGE (75 min) | 650,- Kč |
Massage of face, neck and décolletage (30 min) | 250,- Kč |
Massage of legs (30 min) | 250,- Kč |
Whole back part the body (45 min) | 350,- Kč |
FULL LYMPHATIC MASSAGE (90 min) | 750,- Kč |
Full (75 min) | 750,- Kč |
Back, nape (30 min) | 350,- Kč |
Back, nape, legs (45 min) | 450,- Kč |
30 min | 250,-Kč |
Great food prepared from fresh ingredients
Our aim is to serve fine cuisine made from fresh ingredients without unnecessary pre-prepared products. In a simple way, our restaurant is based on above-standard culinary performances. The menu is built on attractive international as well as Czech meals.
Opening hours
Would you like to try world-known meals such as French snails, octopus carpaccio or beef Wellington? Do you want to organize an unconventional gourmet party for your friends, colleagues, family or have a romantic dinner for two based on a sophisticated menu which would be a true experience? Do you know that special menus are not always too expensive?
Visit us at least 5 days ahead and we will prepare for you a complete menu from our special offer. These meals are not part of our regular menu, are prepared from untraditional ingredients and require longer preparation.
We offer you an original concept of experience gastronomy.
reservations, hotel, wellness
+420 571 118 983
+420 571 118 980
+420 604 404 052