How to get here
By Bus
Bus no. 67 which goes from Jundrov through Královo pole, town center and main train station stops at Avion Shopping Park bus stop. Use shopping park entrace on the right and keep right. Bongo is right next to Tesco.
By Car
GPS coordinates
From town centre head towards Bratislava, on intersection of Hněvkovského-Kaštanová keep on the right towards Prague highway and shopping area Brno-jih. From D1 highway use Exit 196 towards Bratislava, from D2 highway head toward shopping area Brno-jih.

+420 777 639 172
+420 605 855 013*
(*schools, kindergartens)
+420 605 855 013*
(*schools, kindergartens)
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[javascript protected email address]
[javascript protected email address]
Avion Shopping Park
Skandinavská 2
Eurogalaxie s.r.o. | IČ: 277 03 231
Fryštácká 679, Kostelec, 763 14 Zlín
Zápis do obchodního rejstříku včetně oddílu a vložky C 53225/KSBR Krajský soud v Brně