TOBOGA Tongo Hradec

Sail through the ocean of fun on our attractions

Opening hours

Saturday - Sunday, holidays
Friday "Cafeteria" for toddlers with parents (special price) - except holidays
9 - 11
24.3. Sanitární den
Everytime the park is open whole day (from 9 or 10) entrance fee is same like on weekends
Reservations -only with the ticket purchase on our e-shop at least a day before the visit.

About the Tongo park

TOBOGA Tongo is a large children playground for the whole family. On the area of over 2 900 m2, there are many attractions that offer unforgettable experiences for both children and adults. Each attraction represents a different island or sea world. In one day you can travel the whole ocean.

In Tongo, children can enjoy a whole day of fun, exercise and foolery no matter what the weather. Children can make new friends and boost their confidence when overcoming various obstacles. We also offer entertainment for adults. You can have snacks from our buffet, use free WiFi, or read in our reader's corner. Your whole family can have a great time and relax without stress.

Tongo Hradec is one of TOBOGA fun parks, which you can also find in Prague, Zlín and Brno.

What it looks like

Jungle adventure

Birthday party

Report on TOBOGA parks

New virtual walkthrough

Virtual walkthrough

+ 6

Inside the park

Birthday parties

Clip from Tongo

What is going on

01.03.2025 - 31.03.2025  

Březen - do Tonga vlezem

04.08.2025 - 08.08.2025  

Příměstský tábor 2025 v Tongo!

24.02.2025 - 02.03.2025  

Jarní prázdniny jsou tady!

01.02.2025 - 28.02.2025  

Únor v Tongu

01.01.2025 - 31.01.2025  

Leden v Tongu

22.12.2024 - 05.01.2025  

Vánoční otevírací doba

01.12.2024 - 31.12.2024  

Vánoce v Tongu

01.11.2024 - 30.11.2024  

Listopadové Tongo



01.10.2024 - 31.10.2024  

Strašidelný říjen

01.09.2024 - 30.09.2024  

Zábavné září

01.09.2024 - 30.09.2024  

AKCE pro kolektivy!

29.07.2024 - 04.08.2024  


05.07.2024 - 06.07.2024  

Státní svátky v červenci

01.07.2024 - 31.08.2024  

Prázdniny v Tongu

01.06.2024 - 30.06.2024  

Zábavný červen v Tongu

26.05.2024 - 26.05.2024  


01.05.2024 - 31.05.2024  

Co nás čeká v květnu?

06.04.2024 - 07.04.2024  

Víkend za polovinu!

01.04.2024 - 30.04.2024  

Duben, ještě v Tongu budem!

26.03.2024 - 01.04.2024  

Velikonoční soutěž!

28.03.2024 - 01.04.2024  

Velikonoce v Tongu

Birthday parties

Celebrate your birthday and enjoy a great time in Tongo It's so easy - we organize, you celebrate! Just choose the birthday package, which will await the little guests. We can also provide birthday cakes (fruity, chocolate, or honey cake). Don't miss the accompanying programme - the cake can be brought by the children's favorite mascot Monkey Bongo, and not only that, he will also walk through the park with the kids and show them how to have fun on the attractions. 
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Zobrazit mapu

+420 606 028 384

schools and kindergartens
+420 606 028 385

birthday celebrations, park manager
+420 606 028 386

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Kutnohorská 226
Hradec Králové
Nákupní centrum Albert