How to get here
By Bus
From Zlicin metro station, stop no. 3, bus line 180. The bus goes from 5 a.m. to 11 p.m., journey time: 3 minutes.
On foot
From the next-to-last station of the metro B - Stodůlky, 5 minutes in the direction of the AVION Shopping Park in Prague - Zličín.
By Car
GPS coordinates
Parking at the shopping park for free.
+420 778 545 760 - info, birthday parties, schools, kindergartens, companies
+420 778 545 761 - reception desk
call during opening hours
Skandinávská 5a
Praha 5 - Zličín
Toboga s.r.o. | IČ: 033 10 671
Fryštácká 679, Kostelec, 763 14 Zlín
Zápis do obchodního rejstříku včetně oddílu a vložky C 84344/KSBR Krajský soud v Brně