Summer camp

Every year, Toboga organizes a summer camp. Part of the program is not only fun in the park, but also field trips (for example to the Zoo), campfire, adventurous sleepover in the park, arts and crafts (T-shirt painting, slime making), competitions and games, disco, trail of courage. Your kids will have a lot of fun and make new friends. The program also has an educational part (we talk for example about continents and life in different countries – all in a playful way).

The price includes:

  • meals
  • drinks
  • program
  • pedagogical and medical supervision
  • one sleepover in the park

The camp is for kids between 6 and 12 years. Capacity is limited. Only 40 spots available. Send your applications to: If you have any questions, call: 778 545 760.


Hello, thank you for the amazing photos and a great summer week - Darinka and Silvinka said that this was the best camp they have ever been to. If you aren't sure, whether you should organize another camp next year, you already have the applicants. Our girls would be thrilled, if you could make another sleepover during some weekend (with the Saturday spend in the park, of course :D), but it depends on the time and the level of energy. Thanks a lot again, and have a great summer. R.P. and girls
Hello, I would like to thank you for the photos and for the way you took care of the children. It was excellent! Petr was hesitant during the week, but the final verdict is positive. Judging by the photos, you managed to do a lot of activities. Thanks a lot again, Růžena V.
Hello, boys were thrilled. It is obvious you were really dedicated to the kids. Thank you and we are looking forward to the next time. Have a nice summer. Andrea B.
Hello, Matěj really liked the camp :D Sincerely S.


Je nejvyšší čas si rezervovat své místo na oblíbeném příměstském letním táboře v TOBOGA FANTASY - tentokrát na téma "VESMÍREM TAM A ZPĚT"🤩

Termín: 21. 7. - 25. 7. 2025

Každý den bude pro děti připraven program plný her, soutěží, tvoření od rána 8:00 h do 17:00 h. Ze čtvrtka na pátek proběhne také přenocování na atrakcích se stezkou odvahy🤗

V ceně 4990 Kč je zahrnut veškerý program s nocováním + strava a pitný režim🎟

Tábor je určen pro děti od 6 do 13 let. Kapacita je omezena.

Rezervujte si své místo na emailu


Zobrazit mapu

+420 778 545 760 - info, birthday parties, schools, kindergartens, companies

+420 778 545 761 - reception desk

call during opening hours

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Praha 5 - Zličín