Price list and opening hours

Price list

Children over 2


Family **

Workdays (tuesday - thursday) 14 - 19199 Kč159 Kč699 Kč
Workdays (tuesday - thursday) 1 hour159/40 Kč119/40 Kč
Workdays (tuesday - thursday) 17 - 19179 Kč139 Kč
Fridays, holidays, weekends, whole day 10 - 19299 Kč169 Kč899 Kč
Fridays, holidays, weekends 10 a.m.-2 p.m.259 Kč139 Kč789 Kč
Fridays, holidays, weekends 1 hour199/100 Kč119/50 Kč
Fridays for parents with small children 9 a.m.- 11 a.m.50 Kč100 Kč
Fridays, holidays, weekends  17 - 19249 Kč139 Kč
Galaxie 2 in 1 for 1 Child (celodenní vstup, teplé dětské jídlo + točená limonáda 0,3l)449 Kč

Additional information

  • * Weekend prices are also valid during holidays (spring, summer, autumn, Christmas, Easter, national etc.)
  • ** 2 adults, 2 of their children - needs to be proven, every other kid for 200 Kč
  • Seniors and handicaped entry fee 109 Kč
  • Child = person 2 - 18 years old 
  • Unaccompanied child plus 50 Kč with the regular fee (water intake)
  • Thursday morning Galaxie 9 to 11 a.m. per 50 Kč/hour (not valid during holidays)
  • Children below 2 and handicaped kids for FREE!
  • Prices are subject to change
  • The carpet and attractions are accessible only in socks (socks can be bought at the reception)
  • You can pay cash or by card or in EUR (by card and in EUR only at the reception)
  • All attractions and gaming tables are included in the price except for electric cars, air hockey and table football
  • Gift vouchers can be used for other rates, you pay the rest of the fee
  • When you pay 1-hour fee you will also pay a refundable deposit (the deposit is rest of the amount to the whole-day fee valid on that day, the deposit is refunded only in case that the time limit is not notably exceeded - 10 minutes tolerance)
  • We are a partner of Sphere Card Club and we offer discounts to Sphere Card holders
  • We are a partner of CARTE program and we offer discounts to CARTE card holders

Price list for groups, collectives, schools and kindergartens

  • Price list, special offers and more information can be found here. here


Electric cars20 Kč
Air hockey10//20 Kč
Deposit for locker key200 Kč
Deposit for table games50 - 100 Kč
Socks50 Kč

5D Cinema

Děti z narozeninových oslav a děti školních a jiných kolektivů89 Kč
Návštěvníci zábavního parku99 Kč
Návštěvníci mimo zábavní park109 Kč
Návštěvníci zábavního parku Akce 3+1 ZDARMA297 Kč

Permanent pass for 5+1 entries

Child weekdays995 Kč
Child weekends, holidays1 495Kč
Dospělý všední den795 Kč
Adult weekends, holidays845 Kč
Family (2+2) weekdays3 495 Kč
Family (2+2) weekends, holidays4 495 Kč

Opening hours

Spring holidays
10:00 - 19:00
Tuesday - thursday
14:00 - 19:00
Fridays, weekends and holidays
10:00 - 19:00
Friday for parents with small children
09:00 - 11:00


  • Tue - Sun: 9 a.m. to 8 30 p.m.
  • Mo: 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
  • we also offer breakfast menu


Why socks are important?

For safety and hygiene reasons.

Can I send kids to the park unaccompanied by an adult?

Kids, that want to visit the park without their parents and use a Gift voucher, have to have a filled-in form signed by their legal representatives. You find it on our website.

Can I use a gift voucher from last year?

Yes, the voucher is valid for 1 year after the purchase.

Is it possible that the multipurpose pitch will be occupied?

Yes, the pitch can be rented for 1 hour, you can call the park in advance and ask about the availability.

Why do adults have to pay entrance fee?

If you want to enter our park paying the entrance fee is obligatory. The attraction are suitable for both children and adults. It's also our goal that children spend time with their parents. In case you don't want to spend time of the attractions, you can wait in our restaurant.

How does 1+1 work?

You pay one entry and get a second entry at the same or lower price for free. Children cannot be left alone in the Galaxy during this event and at least one adult must be present at all times.


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